posted by Benrose on November 30, 2011 | 3 comments
Not one new lesson in whole month?

Are you abandoning Popup Cantonese or just überbusy with other stuff?

Nicole, Gimmy (No idea how to spell that), Brendan, David I miss you guys!

Greetings from 德國

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Beginner on December 1, 2011 | reply
Hey Philipp,

Somewhat überbusy and torn between stuff, but we're just publishing a lesson now actually and should have another soon. Popup Cantonese isn't a main focus, but we're not abandoning it. And sorry for keeping you waiting. :(


jeffreyng on April 19, 2012 | reply
The quality of the lessons is really impressive but if Popup Cantonese is not a priority, it makes it very difficult as a customer to be willing to pay for a subscription without either a deep catalog of content or a commitment to create new content.

I hope you can find the focus.
trevelyan on April 19, 2012 | reply
Hi Jeffrey,

Thanks for the feedback. Right now we have around ten hours of published audio on the site and are pushing out an extra two lessons a month. If you'd like us to produce more and can't afford the $50 basic subscription, the easiest way to help out is to review us positively on iTunes or help spread word online. Linking to Popup Cantonese with the text "learn cantonese" is particularly appreciated.

