Do you know how to say hello in Cantonese? This is our first Cantonese lesson at Popup Cantonese and it's designed to be the simplest lesson on our site. Join us and by the end of this short podcast, you'll know how to say hello and goodbye, and be able to communicate with real Cantonese speakers using a few very common sentences, like asking how someone is doing or telling them you'll see them later. In future lessons in this series, we'll review these words and phrases so that you remember them, while adding new high-frequency ones. And while our podcasts are always free, be sure to check our transcripts to get written copies of everything you're saying, and remember to try out our generative audio review as well. And if you have any questions, please leave them in the discussion section below. We look forward to having you on Popup Cantonese.
said on December 14, 2010
good lesson, and supporting popupcantonese!
said on December 14, 2010
I love the spinoff. Excellent accomplishment, and good first lesson, though I hope we'll see Popup Cantonese branch into a more playful direction, like its elder sibling.
I must admit the degree of enunciation employed by the voice actors caught me off guard, and I laughed a bit. Zoi gin. Zoooooooooi giiiiiin. :D
said on December 14, 2010
Great stuff! Many thanks for this site. You guys really are the best!
Though like palafx said... I really miss the jokes and overly detailed explanation of the tones. For me this is what made Popup Chinese great in the first place... a bit of a break here and then from the actual topic always keeps me motivated.
said on December 14, 2010
So will this be a new podcast that we need to which we subscribe through itunes , or will the recordings be integrated with the popup chinese podcast?
congrats on the expansion!
said on December 15, 2010
One of the areas we've been weak with Popup Chinese has been with people who know literally ZERO Chinese and are looking for their first lesson. More advanced people love us, but a lot of absolute beginners just don't know how to start. Or they're scared of the dialogues.
We've put this lesson series for Cantonese to see how a more structured right-from-hello series works out. The idea is to teach the absolute essentials in the language and also introduce the tones in the process -- without the need for separate lessons on them. Because trying to slip the tones into normal lessons really kills a lot of the fun, etc.
We'll be releasing dialogue-based podcasts with a more "normal" structure once we have the first ten or so critical phrases lessons out. And if the format works out, then we'll develop something similar for Popup Chinese and make it an optional introductory lesson series. Constant experimentation and all....
Thanks for the feedback, etc. :)
said on December 15, 2010
@Big Cow,
Separate website and separate iTunes feed (we're getting that setup now). The potential for people to get confused between mandarin and cantonese is too big. Also, this way we can develop a separate dictionary, etc. and have traditional Chinese as the default setting for everything, instead of forcing people to switch manually as with Popup Chinese.
Xiao Hu
said on December 20, 2010
@Trevelyan, et al
Awesome fun! With three seperate entries so far, it's already shaping up quite nicely and I'm glad to see the direction you've taken so far. As previously stated, the lack of a 零基础的 basic introduction to Chinese on Popup Chinese is a bit of a turnaway for absolute beginners, so I'm really glad to see the simple stuff being tackled here.
As always, I support you guys in everything, and looking forward to seeing Popup Cantonese grow and develop like its elder brother!
said on December 20, 2010
Xiao Hu,
Yeah. I think the format is actually working out pretty well, and think that #2 is considerably stronger than #1 too: a bit more light-hearted but still focused on the basics with a lot of repetition.
The big problem that rears its head in most Chinese lessons is that the tones tend to dominate any lesson in which they're taught: they overpower any other points mentioned. By lumping them in with fundamental vocab, we're trying to give people the basics, with the idea is that by the time people are ready to move up to dialogue-based lessons, everyone will have already internalized the various tones and we can focus on using the language in context instead.
I'm finding it useful myself, although we'll have to see how it works out across the whole series before doing something like this on Popup Chinese. As always, constant experimentation is good.
Cheers, and thanks for the support,
said on December 30, 2010
Basic Cantonese
said on December 30, 2010
said on January 5, 2011
said on January 13, 2011
I'm just starting to learn Cantonese and have been looking EVERYWHERE for a relatively cheap way to learn it - I stumbled upon your podcasts and almost fell over with how easy it is.
THANK YOU for creating these - I'll definitely be getting a subscription soon!
said on January 13, 2011
Thank you for your support! We're just starting, too, and will be making more and more helpful podcasts. Stay tuned!
said on February 2, 2011
Dear Everybody,
Since discovering Pop Up Chinese about a year ago I always dreamed of a Pop Up Cantonese and alas, my dream has come true! Thank you !
I live in Shenzhen but spend half of the time in Hong Kong and it's amazing how many times I found myself in a situation where the only language I could use was Cantonese around here. Even in the mainland you meet a lot of people who simply speak very little or no Mandarin.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out about the pronunciation of "你好“. In books it comes as Nei Hou, however, the sound you hear ALL THE TIME is clearly a LEI HOU, with an L. I have observed this also in Mandarin Speakers from other areas outside Guangdong.
This N/L pronunciation is also very present in Shenzhen, for example, I live in 南山區, it should be "Nan Shan Qu " but I keep hearing and sometimes people will only understand the pronunciation LAN SAN QU.
Anyway, another new sort of trend that you notice especially in HK teenagers is the way they say 我,instead of Ngo they just say Oh , but it's a bit frowned upon, I guess.
Lastly, what is very common as well are the expressions HALOU and BAI BAI, slightly different in pronunciation to HELLO and BYE BYE, but meaning the same.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about all I said!
P.S. -Can you guys tell me a good Cantonese Input method for Mac and iPhone?
said on February 3, 2011
Since I'm no expert, I'm happy to weigh in on this.
My Cantonese teacher says that the "n" is traditional, and young people are now using the "l". But I have heard my aunt-in-law speak with l's, and she's in her 60's. So I guess it's how one defines young. On the other hand, she was Guangzhou born and raised, so perhaps the language habits are different in Hong Kong.
My guess is that n's are taught, because teaching is based on texts, which are based on earlier texts, etc. The language has changed, but the texts have not.
Teaching n or l is like deciding whether to teach standard Mandarin with the Beijing accent. Teaching without the growling r's might be more universally correct, but then students learn a classroom language. I would weigh in on the side of l's, since that's where the language is going. But no matter which initial consonant I use, I'll still be a non-native speaker, which means I can get away with more, or be incomprehensible no matter how I try to say it.
However, I consider Nicole, who has a great language sense and feet firmly planted in both GZ and HK, as the final authority. Or should I call here Licole?
said on February 3, 2011
I think anyone will agree that whether it's the n/l predicament in Cantonese or the lack of distinguishing s/sh, c,ch and z,zh in southern Putonghua, in the end you HAVE to know the difference. Simply because Input methods will stick to the standard for a long time - regardless of whether still in actual use or not.
I remember very clearly this scene when I was teaching English in a small Town in Guangdong and I watched my students type Putonghua. I was amazed by how often they simply didn't know what initial to use. Half of the time it was just try & error. Sometimes they weren't even sure if it's -n or -ng. Granted, this ignorance of their own language happens to all native speakers of all languages. But still. I couldn't believe how much their accent had handicapped them. That said, I believe that foreigners actually have an advantage here. That is if you learn the old fashion way and not just pick it up off the street. When the time comes that you reach this exceptional thing called "fluency" and your mind kinda switches to autopilot, leaving you time to flirt with the stewardess (that is the content of what you actually say ;) my guess is, you're much more capable of handling the indifference of n- and l-. And should you really be surrounded by a bunch of Only-L-ers, you'll pick it up eventually. But you won't forget where you came from.
In other words: I wouldn't worry about this too much in the beginning. I tried to stick to standard mandarin in the south and I was glad that I did when I later moved to Tianjin. Standard to slang is almost no effort whereas the other way sure as hell is.
said on February 22, 2011
I recommend Cangjie as an IME actually. It is supported by Mac OS X and Windows, but I'm afraid it is not available on the iPhone right now. So maybe it is not a good option.
Not everyone likes Cangjie (because it has a learning curve, it's "old", etc.), but being able to type Traditional, Simplified, Mandarin and Cantonese all in the same way with a QWERTY keyboard is rather nice in my opinion. And it does help me remember characters too.
said on February 22, 2011
@Alenic @bryan_d_robinson
Since I'm using Windows and Sogou Pinyin to type Cantonese, I'm not sure what to recommend. But I have HK friends using Cangjie and they say it's good.
said on May 23, 2011
THIS IS THE BEST CANTONESE LEARNING SITE EVER!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making this site! Today is the best day of my life!!!!!!!!! =)
Xiao Hu
said on May 23, 2011
Amen to that! This site IS truly the best site for learning Cantonese. This company puts out the two best sites for learning their respective languages (Cantonese and Mandarin Chinese).
David and Brendan are the true American Idols.
Keep up the awesome work guys, we're all loving it!
said on May 24, 2011
...Can't be said too often: so true!
God bless the Popup crew!
Although I'm not sure David would want himself be refferd to as an "American Idol". Let's see what he has to say A BOAT that... ;)
Xiao Hu
said on May 24, 2011
@Benrose,HA HA! You're right, David is the Canadian Idol. David and Brendan seem to be dedicated to providing an educational platform that's fun, interesting, stimulating, comprehensive and communal. To me it's got all the elements that make me want to continue learning.So maybe I should say it's Daven the Canerican Idols???
said on May 24, 2011
@phenstyle @Xiao Hu @Benrose
Thank you all so much!!! 多謝你哋嘅支持!
said on May 24, 2011
Benrose and Xiao Hu,
Most Canadians in the States try to blend in quietly so we're ready to strike the moment the Queen gives the signal. The Chinese teaching is just cover for my ongoing efforts to get everyone speaking French.
said on May 24, 2011
Lol. 加拿大人"在下一盘很大的棋"。
Xiao Hu
said on October 27, 2011
@Trevelyan,haha, does Canada actually have a queen? Since I'm nowhere near the states, once your queen waves the flag and the 太监军队 strikes, I'll be far, far away from ground zero.BTW: Have you reserved the popupsnoot domain name?...I mean popupfrench? 开玩笑哦!
said on April 21, 2012
@Xiao Hu When we refer to our queen here in Canada, we're talking about Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of Great Britain. Her face is on some of our money too. :)
said on July 9, 2015
Hard to believe there have been no comments since 2012! Thanks for the beginning Cantonese materials. I'm enjoying the site so far.
said on July 9, 2015
Curious, building off of the structures in this lesson, how would one ask the question, "who are you"?Nei5 hai6 seoi4?你係誰?Nei5 hai6 sam6mo1 yan4?你係什麼人?
said on July 23, 2015
Hi ee.kc.ran,I'm not exactly a Cantonese expert but as far as I am aware 'who?' in Cantonese is 邊個? bin1 go3?Who are you? 你係邊個呀?nei5 hai6 bin1 go3 aa?You can also say say 'who?' by putting '嚟㗎' after '邊個', as in the example:嗰個女人係邊個嚟㗎?go2 go3 neoi5 jan4 hai6 bin1 go3 lai4 gaa3?Who is that woman?Hope that helps!
said on December 22, 2022
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said on April 21, 2023
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Pure Documents is the only place where you an use 15 minutes of your time and apply for a Fast EU Driving Licence/License or International Driving Licence application online.Application for Driving Licencse/Licence as a new citizen, Now there are many people having cars and bikes in European Countries and out of EU Countries that can Drive and do not have time to arrange all the needed documents and information to Application for Driving License so Pure Documents is the best online Company to help all new citizens to apply for Driving License Application.Are you a holder of a Provisional Driving Licence and need to have a full driving licence in UK/Ireland Pure documents is here for all your fast European Drivers Licence and documents consultant services, At Pure Documents you can Renew a Provisional Driving Licence and you can Swap from a Provisional Driving Licence to Full Licence within few days once you consult from a real agent as Pure Documents. 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said on April 21, 2023
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How To Buy Nembutal Powder online from reliable vendor 2023Yes you might think the title of this post is click bait. However, with so many fake vendors online right now it does raise some concern. So let us tell you about the drug itself first. Nembutal is most commonly used as a dose for euthanasia (a peaceful and painless passing) in animals. It's also used by doctors to treat seizures or insomnia in humans. Due to its high potency level, quickly dissolving time, and after taking effect within 20-30 minutes; it makes it perfect for home usage.Contact: sales@pentobarbitalsuppliers.comTalk to an agent : pentobarbitalsupplier4@gmail.comWhatsapp: +1 571 306 3781Telegram : +1 571 306 3781Website: a wide variety of product brands to choose from, we make sure to meet your needs. We maintain good business relations with most of the pharmacies manufacturers around the globe. This makes it possible for us to provide you with the best deals and prices. Just place your order using our website , after which you will be taken to a secure & discreet payment platform where you can conveniently fill in personal information and transfer funds online. Once we receive your payment confirmation we shall deliver your products within 24-72 hours and all orders will be shipped via is a trusted online supplier of Nembutal Powder for those who want to end their lives peacefully and legally. We proudly guarantee that all of our products are of the highest quality. We guarantee that once you place your order, we will discretely deliver the package to your door within 3-5 business days.When you are shopping for Nembutal Powder, it is very important to ensure you are buying the highest quality of product that is pure. Pentobarbital suppliers is a leader in delivering good quality products, pure powder nembutal and the best service possible. If you are looking to buy Morsalazine Drudate , Dr-24, Potassium Chloride or Pentobarbital Sodium please do not hesitate! We are here to help our customers get access to these medications.Our company continues to offer high-quality service and product. They have the same effect as barbiturates, which are widely used in medicine, including anesthesia. They are usually applied during surgical operations because they are very suitable for this purpose.Whether you wish to order Nembutal in powder form or in liquid for administration purposes. Our company is your numerical. Pentobarbital supplier only sell legitimate product which are procured from carefully chosen pharmacies across the globe. These products are then tested, packaged and distributed for exportation into various countries. Some of the product listed on our website may not be approved for distribution into your state/country therefore it is your responsibility to check with local authorities before attempting to order any product on this site. This means you can confidently purchase nembutal from us knowing your safety is guaranteed.Nembutal also known as pentobarbital, secobarbital or sodium thiopental, is a drug used to sedate patients before an operation. Physicians have been using this for many years. Injection or drip method is often used to introduce nembutal into the patient’s vein. Depending on the concentration, one dose of nembutal can be enough to knock out an adult. It can lead to coma and eventually death within 10 minutes of administration. Please note that we are not affiliated with any church or political group. We just medicate all kinds of patients. If you need nembutal for euthanasia purpose, please place an order on our website . It will be checked, packaged and delivered by UPS or FedEx to your desired location in 2-3 business days. We also accept bitcoin, bank wire transfer and western union as payment method so you do not have to worry about payment safety with us.Are you terminally ill, weak, depressed and want to give up your life from the pain of the world? Have you been looking for a reliable and efficient way to die peacefully without losing your money? Have you ever thought about the Nembutal Pentobarbital Sodium Solution Peaceful Exit medication? We are here to provide you with a peaceful and reliable solution.If you want to buy Nembutal Powder online, you have come to the right place. Stop looking, contact us and buy Nembutal Powder Online at a very reasonable price. We have over 9 years experience supplying Nembutal to USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia with 99.9% successful delivery.NEMBUTAL sodium pentobarbital for sale (pentobarbital sodium injection, USP) where to buy pentobarbital, where can i buy pentobarbital, Buy from number one exporters of Nembutal ,buy pentobarbital online for animals, Buy sodium pentobarbital salt, where to buy nembutal pentobarbital, where to buy nembutal online, nembutal pills for sale online, buy nembutal pentobarbital euthanasia, where to buy nembutal online, where to buy nembutal pentobarbital, buy nembutal online for pets sodium pentobarbital for saleThe right to die movement in the United States began with the case of Karen Quinlan in 1975 and continues to raise bioethical questions of one's quality of life and the legal process of death. Karen Quinlan, 21, lost consciousness after consuming alcohol and tranquilizers at a party.[48] She soon began to experience respiratory problems, which then prevented oxygen from flowing to her brain. That led her to slip into a comatose state in which a respirator and a feeding tube were used to keep her alive and breathing.[49][48] Quinlan did not have a proxy or living will and had not expressed her wishes if something ever happened to her to those around her, which made it difficult to decide what the next step should be.A lethal drug promoted by euthanasia campaigners as a peaceful way to die is easily being llegally imported into Australia.Known as the "peaceful pill", barbiturate Nembutal is promoted by the euthanasia movement as the best and most peaceful way to end your life.Most have bought the illicit drug online from China, a country that in the last two years has come to dominate the market.The drug kills within an hour of being consumed."There are very few lethal drugs and the best lethal drug is Nembutal," euthanasia advocate Dr Philip Nitschke told a recent workshop.Please note that we ship Nembutal 100% discreetly and expedited all over the world and we have a returns policy that offers our customers maximum satisfaction. We are available 24 hours a day to answer all your questions.We are determined to give truly painful people real hope and lasting rest. We sell Nembutal powder and Nembutal Solution(Injectable). Simply indicate your age and weight, we will be able to provide you with exact information on price, delivery and payment.When you order Nembutal online from us, we keep a close eye on details. We want to be sure of the dosage that will certainly be effective. You can purchase Nembutal online without any prescription and collect the shipped package without having to sign any papers. Shipping and delivery usually take a maximum of 3 days. All you have to do is provide some health related facts (for dosage estimates) , proof of payment, and provide a valid address. Leave the rest to us.We are reliable and trusted vendors of Nembutal (Pentobarbital Sodium).We have established an excellent reputation over the years by providing our customers with excellent quality/ purity Nembutal. We offer pleasant and professional shipping experience with 100% discreet packaging and delivery worldwide. Our warehouse is unlimited. We sell Nembutal in Liquid form(50ml, 100ml, 250ml bottles)and in powder form ranging from 25g,50g,100g, etc. If you are looking to buy Nembutal Online, do not look any further. We have provided the safest and most accurate methods to buy Nembutal online and our service can be offered worldwide. Distance is not a barrier when ordering from us. We continuously invest in our service and upgrade on a daily basis to meet up with the demands of our customers. is now the most trusted online legal Euthanasia to buy Nembutal 100ml in Italy. So if you looking to place an order for Nembutal online in Spain. Kindly contact and they will assist you without any prescriptions. contact usCan you buy Pentobarbital 250ml in Saxony? Yes, you can buy Pentobarbital 50ml in Portugal from shop, They have the best way to order Pentobarbital for sale in Mexico.How to buy Pentobarbital Nembutal in Denmark legal shop delivering the Pentobarbital 100ml Nembutal review. is the most trusted online pharmacy to purchase Nembutal in Switzerland. Read moreWhere to buy Nembutal Powder in USA: is the most reliable 2023 online pharmacy to buy Nembutal 250ml in Canada with a discreet vacuum-sealed package. Europe Nembutal for saleIs it safe to buy Nembutal 50ml online in Austria?Yes Is it safe to buy Nembutal in China in the USA from an online pharmacy called, They are certified Nembutal vendors in darkness and clearnetlegal Nembutal (pentobarbital) utility company providing a positive business record over our years in Nembutal. We ship Nembutal worldwide and have most of our customers from USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe, Thailand, South Korea. We have split our company into two locations to meet customer requirements worldwide and reduce delivery time. We source our Nembutal from Switzerland and India directly from the source and handle demand with our customers and to ensure absolute purity of the product. We have established an excellent reputation during these years by providing our customers with excellent quality / purity Nembutal, pleasant and professional shopping experience with 100% discrete packaging and delivery and friendly customer service. The details of our customer transactions are kept confidential with us. Our warehouse is unlimited and can deliver from 50 grams and more than 1000 kg per month. We sell Nembutal in Liquid (50ml, 100ml and 250ml bottles), Powder (25g +) and Pills of 50 Pills + Shipping takes 3 days from one of our warehouses to ship to every location and address in the world , The packaging is very discreet and package is wrapped after packing in silver or aluminum foil handle bags, which is perfect for traveling and should stay in good condition for a long time. We also offer a fast order and 100% secret delivery. We have our terms and conditions that we let our customers know once they contact us and before they complete their order. For more information you can contact us
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